
Female Stalkers

Bitch leave me alone, no I won't go out with u, No I won't fuck u, No I won't give u my cell, and No I won't even give u the chance to talk to me. Biaatch.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Copyleft is a play on the word copyright and is the practice of using copyright law to remove restrictions on the distribution of copies and modified versions of a work for others and require that the same freedoms be preserved in modified versions.

Most commonly, copyleft is implemented by a license defining specific copyright terms applied to works such as computer software, documents, music, and art. Whereas copyright law, by default, automatically restricts the right to make and redistribute copies of an author's work, a copyleft license uses copyright law to ensure that every person who receives a copy of a work has the same rights to study, use, modify, and also redistribute both the work, and derived versions of the work as long as the same license terms apply to all redistributed versions of the work. Thus, in a non-legal sense, copyleft is the opposite of copyright.

In a legal sense, however, copyleft is based on the right of the author to impose copyright restrictions via a copyright license on those who want to use the work. Under a copyleft form of copyright license, the restrictions imposed are that the work cannot be copied, modified or used in any subsequent work unless the author of that subsequent work agrees to grant the same copyleft rights to the public to freely copy, use and modify the subsequent work. For this reason copyleft licenses are known as reciprocal licenses.

Authors and developers use copyleft to allow anyone to use, share and improve the work as a continuing process, disallowing people from sharing derived works with any new restrictions. For many people, copyleft is a technique which uses copyright as a means of subverting the restrictions traditionally imposed by copyright on the dissemination and development of knowledge. This approach uses copyleft primarily as a tool in a broadly scaled sniggling operation, whose aim is to permanently reverse such restrictions.

Copyleft relies on copyright law to undo the automatic prohibitions on copying and impose a perpetual, irrevocable, freedom to use the work. These permissions should be defined in a well drafted copyleft license. A widely used copyleft license is the GNU General Public License (GPL). Many fans of copyleft media believe that copyleft is a cross between copyright and public domain.

While copyleft is not a term in law, it is seen by proponents as a legal tool in a political and ideological debate over intellectual works. Some see copyleft as a first step in doing away with any kind of copyright law. In the public domain, the absence of copyleft-like protection leaves software in an unprotected state. Developers basing their work on public domain originals can spread and sell undocumented binaries without providing the source code. If legal copyright was abolished and no other rights were provided there would be no means for copyleft licenses to exist. The need for copyleft would be diminished in such an environment, as it would become lawful for the community to disassemble and disseminate proprietary software. However, there would be no way to preserve freedoms and rights for others or protect from propagations like software hoarding.

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Citing Wikipedia

APA style

Main Page. (2006, October 24). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 01:44, October 26, 2006, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=83331617

MLA style

"Main Page." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 24 Oct 2006, 01:31 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 26 Oct 2006 .

MHRA style

Wikipedia contributors, 'Main Page', Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 24 October 2006, 01:31 UTC, [accessed 26 October 2006]

Chicago style

Wikipedia contributors, "Main Page," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=83331617 (accessed October 26, 2006).

CBE/CSE style

Wikipedia contributors. Main Page [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 Oct 24, 01:31 UTC [cited 2006 Oct 26]. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=83331617.

Bluebook style

Main Page, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=83331617 (last visited October 26, 2006).

Bluebook: Harvard JOLT style

See Wikipedia, Main Page, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page (optional description here) (as of Oct. 26, 2006, 01:44 GMT).

AMA style

Wikipedia contributors. Main Page. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. October 24, 2006, 01:31 UTC. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=83331617. Accessed October 26, 2006.

BibTeX entry

@misc{ wiki:xxx,
author = "Wikipedia",
title = "Main Page --- Wikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2006",
url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=83331617",
note = "[Online; accessed 26-October-2006]"

When using the LaTeX package url (\usepackage{url} somewhere in the preamble), which tends to give much more nicely formatted web addresses, the following may be preferred:

@misc{ wiki:xxx,
author = "Wikipedia",
title = "Main Page --- Wikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2006",
url = "\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=83331617}",
note = "[Online; accessed 26-October-2006]"

Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

"Citizens of Hiroshima walk by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, the closest building to have survived the city's atomic bombing."
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the morning of 6 August 1945, the United States Army Air Forces dropped the nuclear weapon "Little Boy" on the city of Hiroshima, followed three days later by the detonation of the "Fat Man" bomb over Nagasaki, Japan during World War II against the Empire of Japan, part of the Axis Powers alliance, resulting in a mass killing of over 200,000 Japanese civilians.

In estimating the death toll from the attacks, there are several factors that make it difficult to arrive at reliable figures: inadequacies in the records given the confusion of the times, the many victims who died months or years after the bombing as a result of radiation exposure, and the pressure to either exaggerate or minimize the numbers, depending upon political agenda. That said, it is estimated that by December 1945, as many as 140,000 had died in Hiroshima by the bomb and its associated effects.[1][2] In Nagasaki, roughly 74,000 people died of the bomb and its after-effects with the death toll from two bombings around 214,000 people.[3][4] In both cities, the overwhelming majority of the deaths were those of civilians.

The role of the bombings in Japan's surrender, as well as the effects and justification of them, have been subject to much debate. In the U.S., the prevailing view is that the bombings ended the war months sooner than would otherwise have been the case, saving many lives that would have been lost on both sides if the planned invasion of Japan had taken place.[5] In Japan, the general public tends to think that the bombings were unnecessary, as Japanese civilian leadership was covertly seeking an end to hostilities.

Eight days after the bombings on August 14, 1945 Japan surrendered to the Allied Powers ending World War II.[6]

Artificial intelligence

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with intelligent behavior, learning, and adaptation in machines. Research in AI is concerned with producing machines to automate tasks requiring intelligent behavior. Examples include control, planning and scheduling, the ability to answer diagnostic and consumer questions, handwriting, speech, and facial recognition. As such, it has become an engineering discipline, focused on providing solutions to real life problems, software applications, traditional strategy games like computer chess and other video games.

Information technology

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Information Technology (IT)[1] is concerned with the use of technology in managing and processing information, especially in large organizations.

In particular, IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information. For that reason, computer professionals are often called IT specialists or Business Process Consultants, and the division of a company or university that deals with software technology is often called the IT department. Other names for the latter are information services (IS) or management information services (MIS), managed service providers (MSP).


My advice on you guys out there thinking about gaining a women for a good period of time. Whatever u do, avoid dramatic women. Here a few Drama signs:
(1) A story that could be told in 5 min. is told in 45 min.
(2) Nothing looks good on her
(3) She does never believe ur opinion on things
(4) She can't see anyting positive in u
(5) She does not like how nice you are
(6) Divorced parents 90% of the times lead to dramatic girls
(7) Size and looks are factors
(8) Education
(9) Absent/busy dads
(10) Unclean nail polish, wonder how things are somewhere else.

More is coming soon, check back later.


What is badware?

Badware is software that behaves in malicious and/or deceptive ways and is commonly referred to as spyware, malware, and deceptive adware. If you download badware to your computer you may experience numerous pop-up ads; software installed without your permission or software difficult to uninstall; software that includes Trojan horses, stealth dialers, keyloggers, and viruses; slowed computer processing or even crashing; and in some cases, your privacy may be violated and abused when personal information is collected without your permission. For more information about the risks badware poses to you and your computer, see StopBadware's Guidelines and About Badware pages.

Happy Birthday Aljazeera

Thank u for 10 years of real TV.


Smartest dude on earth!


Human Rights


  • Conseil Consultatif des Droits de l’Homme (CCDH)

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  • Association Marocaine des Droits de l'Homme (AMDH)

Adresse postale: B.P. 1740 P. Avenue Allal Ben Abdeallah, Passage Karrakchou, Entree "b", 4ème Etage, Appt 29. RABAT. MAROC.

Tél. :+212+ 037 73 09 61 | fax: 212. 037. 73 .88. 51;

E-mail: amdh_site@yahoo.fr, amdh@mtds.com, amdh1@mtds.com

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